Of Mobsters and Men Read online

Page 4

  Instead, I was just presented with other handsome faces.

  “He’s not a good guy, Rae.” Gigi said out of nowhere. She knew me all too well and sometimes I hated that.

  “I know.” I said flatly.

  “Besides,” Gigi said wiping her fingers clean of the pigment that rubbed on her skin from the foods she’s touched. “You’re so far off his radar.” She chuckled.

  Immediately, I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my gaze to her. “What do you mean?” I knew I was so far off his radar but her saying it didn’t sit well with me.

  “You like him don’t you?” She asked accusingly, narrowing her eyes and placing her hands on her hips. Even if I did, why did Gigi have a problem with it?

  “What did you mean by that Gigi?” I asked her once again.“I mean you’re too young for him. Only the older girls have been successful in rolling through his sheets. I’ve heard the stories.” She said the last part quietly.

  I shook my head. “I didn’t say I want to sleep with him.”


  It’s been a couple weeks since the thanksgiving celebration. Everything seemed back to normal-or at least that’s how I’ve felt.

  Prior to the celebration I felt like I was walking on eggshells whenever I was around my parents or Gigi. Afterwards, I felt relieved because I knew that Stefano wasn’t going to inform my parents about what had happened.

  Gigi told me that Stefano probably only spared me because he had nothing to gain by telling my parents. In a way, she made sense. What would he gain? Either way, I was content.

  I even feel like I’ve gotten over my tiny crush on Stefano. I’ve been so occupied with other things that he didn’t even pop up in my head.

  Ever since my performance at his Celebration, my parents and I have been invited to numerous social events. Of course I was dragged into them and had to keep up.

  Along with that my mother has been keeping me hostage in the kitchen, and I even had to balance that out with work and school.

  School was probably the most important aspect of my life. I was studying really hard to get an academic scholarship so I could achieve my dreams. I was ready to leave this town. Maybe not my parents and Gigi, but I needed to get opportunities I could find here.

  “Rae, I’m not gonna be here for a couple days.” Gigi told me as we walked side by side into the restaurant. I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned to look at her. “Why, is there anything wrong?” I asked her. There probably wasn’t anything wrong, but the way Gigi said that made it seem like there was.

  “Yes. My cousin is getting married to her jerk of a fiancé.” She said sourly.

  I tilted my head to the side.I expected her to say something more serious, but I was glad at the same time she didn’t. “Is he really all that bad?” I asked her, continuing the conversation.

  “Yes, he’s terrible. And, her Father just forced her to marry the douche just so the family could look good. I feel sorry for her.” She explained. I frowned. “That’s horrible.”

  “Mhm. We’ll be going to New York Friday night.”

  “Maybe we can go shopping before you go?” I suggested. She nodded her head. “Mother is on my ass about getting new dresses anyway.” Gigi said back.

  After our small talk we started to get to work. Judging by how many people were sitting and dining, I knew It was going to be a long night.

  As I rolled the cart of food to the back of the restaurant, I started getting a weird sensation in my stomach. I got that eerie feeling in my stomach whenever I had to serve customers in the back. I guess it was mainly because I knew the type of people who sat back there.

  High profiled people and the evildoers.

  I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood when I saw Stephano sitting at a table alone. His rigid fingers tapped lightly on the old wooden table, his eyes slowly climbing up to meet my face.

  His eyes again gave nothing away as he watched me approach his table.

  “Good evening sir,” I started. I lifted the tray full of his food and sat it down on the table carefully. My hands were shaking as I did so. I hoped he didn’t notice.

  Why did I have to make everything so awkward?

  I felt the eyes of the other customers turning to look at us. They always did that when Stefano came to dine here. Maybe I was just noticing the staring now because I’m so nervous.

  “I hope you enjoy your food. Please let me know if you need anything else.” I gave him a polite smile. Just when I was about to roll the cart away, I heard the sound of ice clinking with glass. I raised my eyebrows as my eyes traveled from stefano’s face down to his glass that he was moving side to side in his grasp.

  He wanted a refill.

  I squatted down and reached for the pitcher of water underneath the cart. When I had grasped it and was about to raise my head, he spoke. “Careful.”

  His deep voice seized my actions. Why would he tell me-I then realized I was about to bump my head under the cart. I felt the blood rush to my face in embarrassment. I successfully maneuvered from the cart and began pouring him his water.

  “Look at the ass on that girl.” I heard a masculine voice.

  He was talking about another girl.

  “Bring your sweet chocolate ass here when you’re through with him!”

  My hand slacked on the hold of the pitcher and I gasped when I saw the water missing the edge of the glass and splashing onto the table. Stefano’s eyebrows furrowed and his jaw locked as the water spilled on him.

  I felt like my life ended right here.

  “I-I’m so sorry. I’m so-so sorry.” I sat the pitcher down and bent to reach under my cart to grab a small towel, when I felt a tug on my shirt, moving me back from my spot.

  “You stupid, stupid girl!” That accent and voice mixed together gave me dread as I recognized it as Maria. “You can’t do anything right, nero!”

  Before I could say anything, she lifted her hand to hit me and I winced before the impact.

  “Leave her.”

  I opened my eyes when I heard Stefano’s voice. At least, I thought I heard him. The sound of my heart pounding through my ears and my immense feeling of humiliation clouded all my senses.

  “Are you sure? She-“ Maria insisted but he cut her short. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

  “She did not mean to do it.” He said again, this time narrowing his eyes into an icy glare at Maria. That look alone made me want to run for my life. That same look was what he gave me that night he killed the man, the warning look he gave me before telling me to go home.

  Maria began cursing under her breath before storming away.

  I felt the tears pricking my eyes as I felt everyone’s eyes on me. I would give so much to be able to run out through the doors and cry my eyes out. I felt so embarrassed, so humiliated, and felt like I was suffocating.

  Why couldn’t I just ignore that man’s nasty comment towards me? Why did I have to let that get to me and distract me?

  I shakily grabbed the towel and started wiping the table. I could feel Stefano’s gaze on me. “I’m...sorry.” I said again, my apology coming out as a whisper.

  “What is your name?”

  I slowly looked up from the table to his face. He was asking me that in the midst of all this?

  More importantly, what did he want it for? I didn’t know how I felt about giving a man like him my name. I debated whether I should lie or not.Then again, what if he finds out?

  “Raelyn…” I said and then bit my lip, averting my eyes back to the soaked towel in my hand. “I’d ask you for yours but I already know.” I said quietly. Looking up again at him I saw the corner of his mouth lift up. Did he ever display a full smile?

  “Does she always talk to you like that?” He asked, curiosity laced in his tone. I didn’t look at him. Yes. “No.” I said quickly, not wanting to get Maria into trouble. If she got into trouble, I could lose my job. Silence engulfed us yet again and feeling the need to make things less awkward and make him less suspicious of my reply, I spoke.

  “Um, I want to say thank you for..allowing me to sing at the celebration. It was a great opportunity. I’ve always wanted to sing in front of a big crowd…” I didn’t realize I was rambling until I saw his straight facial expression.

  He probably doesn’t care. Yet again I felt embarrassed. “I’m sorry…” Gosh why do I keep talking? Stefano just continued to look at me. I was used to getting looked at. I probably wouldn’t have minded his staring if he said something.

  “I should be thanking you.” He told me.

  Before I could reply, he cut me. “Where did you learn to play the piano?” He asked. Of course he’d ask me that. Only wealthy families could afford an instructor to teach their children to play instruments.I was even surprised he was asking me a personal question like that.

  “My father taught me when I was little.” I answered him, a bit awkwardly.

  It then dawned on me that if we were making small talk, I must have been taking a long time to clean my mess. I had other tables to get to.

  I finished quickly. Before I left, I gave him a small smile he didn’t return.


  After that encounter with Stefano, I’ve never talked to him again or seen him up close.

  I only saw him at social events and even then we never said a word to each other. It was like I became invisible. I would sing at these events and even glance his way while I’m doing so but he’d pay me no mind.

  It’s wasn’t like I was desperate for his attention, but his behavior seemed odd.

  February 14. Valentine’s Day. I always found it ironic how my birthday falls on such a holiday.


  I’ve never received a romantic gift from anyone….

  I sat in the living
room smiling at the boxes full of presents my Mother and Father got me for my birthday. I’m 17 now, yet don’t feel so 17. I always feel that way whenever I turn a new age.

  I opened a box that had cream colored heels. Even though I had asked for sneakers, these heels sufficed. I knew they weren’t going to buy me another pair of sneakers, my mother would accuse me of trying to be a tomboy.

  I unwrapped another present that contain two gold earring packs, and in the next present, I saw that I was given two black dresses. One short black one that was lace and was too sexy for my tastes, and the next one was red that was just as sexy as the last. These were all of my mother’s doing. My father was at work most of the time so he just gave my mother money to do the shopping since my mother didn’t work. I also knew Mother went shopping with her friends so of course that had a lot to do with the dresses I was looking at right now.

  “Thank you, Mother. I appreciate these.” I hugged her tightly and she smiled warmly at me. There was a gleam in her eyes.“You have another gift.” She told me, grinning afterwards.

  I furrowed my eyebrows at what she said. Another one? I watched as she reached behind her and presented to me a small red box. “This is from Stefano.” Mother said handing me the box. I felt my heart jerk at the mention of his name. What?

  “Stefano?” I asked incredulously. What? How? How did he even know my birthday?

  His name even sounded foreign as I pronounced it. It’s been such a long time..

  My mother looked as if she could hardly contain her smile. She nudged me to hurry and open it.

  As I tore through the plastics and wraps, I furrowed my eyebrows. Why was he giving me a gift after basically pretending I don’t exist? Not that it bothered me that much but still.

  “Mother…” I trembled when I opened the box. In it was a gold necklace way too beautiful to describe with words. It screamed: Pure Gold.

  I looked up to Mother as she gave me a look I couldn’t decipher. “Isn’t it lovely?”

  “Yes but…” I became speechless. Why would stefano give me a gift like this? Why would he give me a gift at all?

  Most importantly, why was mother not bothered by this? Why was she acting like this is normal?

  “I can’t take this, Mother.” Her facial expression changed sour. “Nonsense. He wants you to have it.”

  How does she know what he wants?

  Chapter 7


  It wasn’t too long before I felt like an outsider in my own home.

  Every time I walked into the family room or dining room, mother and father’s whispering would cease and they’d avert their eyes away from me. When they weren’t whispering or sharing secrets, they would be very nice to me.

  Nothing is wrong with being nice, but they were being nice to the point where I knew it wasn’t normal and something was up. I was becoming annoyed day by day but I knew I was just wasting my emotions. My parents wouldn’t let me in on the scoop even if I begged.

  I was itching to know what they were keeping from me. Speaking of strange behaviors, I also picked up on how late my father stayed at work before arriving home. I really hoped all he was doing is just work.

  Silently I chopped the onions while my mother mixed around the tomato sauce on the stove. I made sure not to knick my finger while I immersed myself in my own thoughts. I’ve been thinking of University more now that I am almost a senior in highschool. I’ve already looked at a few but I needed my parents’ support if I was going to go. I bit my tongue as I thought of how to bring it up.

  “Mother?” I asked. She turned her head to my direction. “Yes, Raelyn?”

  She raised her eyebrows as she waited for my question.“Um, there’s going to be an open house for the University of New York. I really want to go.” I told her. After saying it, I felt a huge weight lifting off my shoulders.

  “What for?” She asked incredulously. I felt taken back by what she had just asked.

  “I’m very interested in the University and they’re very well known for-“ I started but she didn’t allow me to finish. “That’s so far away.” Mother said shaking her head.

  Before I could respond, she spoke up. This time I hoped she’d say something in my favor.

  “When are you going to wear that nice gift Stefano got for you? Don’t you like it?” She asked tilting her head to the side, a frown on her face.

  I felt my core shake with annoyance. How was she just going to avoid my question like that? I moved onto the peppers which I wasted no time chopping. I refrained from saying what I really wanted to say. “It’s too expensive to just flaunt around.” I said making up an excuse.

  The only response I got was my mother’s scoff.


  The next day was very lonely for me. Gigi was at home sick so I spent the day at school keeping to myself. It wasn’t like I didn’t have other students at school to talk to, but there was never a void being filled when I was around them.

  Other students were like associates to me. Gigi is the only person I confide in.

  She and I usually walked home from school together and occasionally took the city bus. I didn’t want to walk such a long distance home by myself so today I chose to ride the city bus. As I got on, I began to feel nervous and conflicted. Majority of the seats were filled and all eyes turned to me. There was one seat available in the back but it was right next to an elderly lady that looked me up and down in distaste. Another one was available in the middle next to...Vincent Vandal.

  I was beginning to wonder if I should take my chances and sit next to either of the two people or turn and get off this bus.

  Knowing I was taking too long to pick a seat I just decided to go to the back of the bus and sit next to the old lady. Rejection from Vincent would hurt more and I didn’t want to take my chances and get embarrassed. I felt my stomach eating itself as I glanced at Vincent who was looking at my face with a look I couldn’t decipher. I held my bag close to me as I walked down the narrow opening of the bus. When I was about to pass Vincent, I heard his voice.

  “Hey, sit here.”

  Both of my eyebrows perked up and I felt my heart vibrating in my chest. What?

  I looked at him like a confused puppy. Vincent moved towards the window leaving space for me to sit down. This felt so unreal to me. I’ve had a crush on him since middle school and now I’ve actually had the chance to be this close to him.

  “You saw me and then ya walked past me like you didn’t.” Vincent said teasingly. His voice sounded even better up close, he even looked so much better.I couldn’t help but laugh and display the stupid smile on my face.

  “I didn’t think you wanted me to sit here.” I said honestly. Vincent tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows. “Why would you think that? I’m not an asshole.” He said. I took in how perfect his black hair looked gelled back and not a single strand of hair out of place.

  “I don’t know..” I said, a shy smile on my face afterwards. Vincent grinned at me. “I wouldn’t mind a pretty girl sitting next to me.” At this moment I felt like I was falling in an endless hole of happiness. Did he just call me pretty?Already I couldn’t help but to tell Gigi what was happening to me right now.

  “You think I’m pretty?” I asked him warmly. I was jumping up and down inside and doing a happy dance but on the outside I had to keep my cool. Vincent bit his lip and looked me up and down. “Of course. You’d have to be blind to not notice.” He told me, putting an emphasis on “blind”.

  “Thank you.” I chuckled again. “Why didn’t you ride with your friend?” He asked curious, his eyes narrowed on me. I looked ahead because I just couldn't face him without smiling or laughing. “She skipped school today.”

  Vincent then scoffed. “That’s what I should have done.” I shook my head and immediately covered my mouth to muffle my laugh. I didn’t want him to think I was annoying.

  Vincent smirked at me. “You think I’m funny?”

  “A little bit.” I said confidentially. Vincent continued to stare at me. I noticed something different about this stare. This wasn’t a state of curiosity or distaste, it was one of admiration, friendliness, interest.